Your baby’s teeth begin to form during pregnancy. During the third trimester it is the minerals provided by the mother that calcify the baby’s teeth.
Foods recommended to increase calcium intake include:
• Dairy such as milk, cheese and yoghurt
• Calcium-fortified soymilk.
• Calcium fortified cereals and grains
If you do not consume these foods you may wish to ensure your pregnancy multivitamins contain calcium. A healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy will ensure that mother’s and baby’s teeth will be healthy.

Teething & Teeth Age
Lower central incisors (bottom front teeth) 5-7 months
Upper central incisors (upper front teeth) 6-8 months
Upper lateral incisors (Either side of front teeth ) 9-11 months
Lower lateral incisors (Either side of front teeth ) 10-12 months
Molars (2nd back teeth) 12-16 months
Canines (“Fang” teeth) 16-20 months
Second molars (Back Teeth) 20-22 months
Most children will have all of their baby teeth by the time they are two and a half years old.
Easing Symptoms:
• Teething rings – some teething rings can be cooled first in the fridge, which may help to soothe your baby’s gums. You can also experiment with cold foods like cucumber sticks.
• Teething gels: Non aspirin based teething gels are available at pharmacies
• Painkilling medicine: If your baby is in pain or has a raised temperature, a sugar free medicine containing a small dose of paracetamol or ibuprofen may ease any discomfort.
Always follow the dosage instructions that come with the medicine. If you are not sure, ask your GP or pharmacist.
Teething Tips
All babies respond differently to the arrival of new teeth and it can cause pain and discomfort for some babies.
Signs of teething can include:
• Red, swollen and sore gums.
• Irritability
• Increased dribbling
• Flushed cheeks
• Changed eating patterns
• Raised temperature
• Changed bowel movements