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Cancellation and failure to attend policy

If you need to cancel your appointment within 48 hours due to illness, we will gladly reschedule your appointment, however if this is recurring a booking deposit of $150 will be required for future appointments.

To cancel you appointment, we require that you let us know at least 48hrs in advance. Should you provide less than 48 hours notice or fail to attend your appointment without informing us, a $150 fee will be required to book your next appointment. This is a deposit for your treatment, however if you cancel at short notice again or fail to attend, we will retain this $150 deposit as a cancellation fee.

How to Cancel Your Appointment
Should you need to cancel your appointment, please call us on 07 5442 6722. If necessary, you may leave a detailed voicemail message. We will return your call as soon as possible. We require a minimum of 48 hours notice.

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