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Dental checks for Children

First dental visits can help detect early childhood caries and ensure your child’s mouth and teeth are developing, as they should. Oral health professionals recommend that your child should see a dentist from 1 year of age with the first visit being focussed on creating a fun, relaxed time, having a ride in the chair and counting the teeth! Starting early means your child will feel comfortable should future treatment be required.

Tooth brushing

  • Start as soon as the first tooth appears. Wipe the front and back of each tooth using a finger wrapped in a clean damp face washer or cloth.
  • Introduce a small soft toothbrush as a bath toy so your child can become familiar with it and enjoy using it. Brush your teeth together and let them have a turn of your brush. Keep it fun and sing a song.
  • Brush along the gum line twice a day.
  • Introduce a pea-sized amount of children’s fluoride toothpaste (as recommended by your dentist) at about 12 months of age.

Please contact us for more information. 


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